Existing in Consciousness

I've begun to use Sam Harris' meditation app, Waking Up, a few times now. I've recently restarted the Introductory Course1 and have made it through Day 13 (over the past month, at least).

I'm noticing2 one of the concepts that I struggle with the most is the idea of everything existing "in consciousness."

Open your eyes[…] and notice that the space you see - the space of your visual field - is in the same place where everything else is happening. All of this is an appearance in consciousness. So this field of color and light is not outside of consciousness.

Similarly, Sam will reference the feeling most of us have of existing somewhere inside of our heads, "behind your eyes," but argue that we don't exist there - we exist in consciousness.

It's not that I disagree with Sam, its that I don't understand what the alternative is. Where would we exist if we were not in consciousness? What other space is there for our visual field, the weight of our body, the sounds around us to exist?

It seems to bother me because Sam references it so frequently that it must be a sticking point for many people. Yet, I'm feeling stuck because I'm not stuck - or at least don't yet realize that I am.

  1. fortunately, recently condensed to a 28-day course ↩︎

  2. hey, at least that's a victory ↩︎