Who the Hell Are You?

I was browsing my Squarespace1 analytics and noticed this:

Apparently, there are nearly 700 of you subscribed to this blog’s RSS feed?!

I mean, I’m probably subscribed to my own blog in a handful of apps and other tools that I use just to make sure this thing is on and working properly, but not 600 of them!

I spend more time making podcasts and YouTube videos than writing for my blog, and I only have a couple hundred people following me there.

If I had known that people were actually reading my blog, perhaps I would write more. Or maybe I would write less… I’m honestly not sure. But just noticing the numbers got me to write this post, so I guess it is motivating.

It’s actually surprising to me that there is an audience out in this deep, dark void of bits and electrons called the internet.

Which makes me wonder…

Who the hell are you people?!

Now don’t get me wrong–I appreciate the support and the interest in what random things I have to say. But, I have to say, I didn’t think or expect that anyone would be reading my blog other than my mom, my brother, and maybe that guy from grad school who does background research on classmates just to see who is crazy or not.

So, welcome. And thanks.

And maybe say, “Hi” once in a while?

I leave comments open so that I can get feedback. Am I right? Am I wrong? How can I improve my thinking and my writing? Is there an article, book, video that I might be interested in based on what I’m talking about?

Of course, I acknowledge the possibility that at least have of you so-called subscribers are just internet bots mining for data and potentially planning to takeover my identity… and the world!

  1. Squarespace is the website host for my personal website and this blog ↩︎