Pro Keyboard Shortcuts in Apple Keynote

Neil de Grasse Tyson's GQ photoshoot. PHOTOGRAPHS BY ART STREIBER

A few days ago I was priveleged to hear Neil deGrasse Tyson speak to a sold-out crowd in Portland, Oregon. At one point, a Microsoft employee sitting next to me chuckled, because Neil was struggling with his computer. I watched for a moment, and then I had to chuckle to myself – the Microsoft employee didn't have a clue what was going on!

I sat back and smiled as Dr. Tyson used some secret keyboard shortcuts - unique to Apple's Keynote - that made his presentation even more magical. He was adapting on the fly, jumping between slides at the beginning, middle, and end, without exiting his presentation and revealing his desktop, notes, or other slides.

In the video below I'll show you these awesome keyboard shortcuts you can use to keep your audience or students attentive while adapting on the fly.